Loomis Special Ops: Solving cash-in-transit challenges, one branch at a time

Our newest team of experts is ready to mobilize in any region at a moment’s notice.
While we’re always looking for ways to ensure our cash management network is the most robust in the industry, we also look for unique ways to utilize our national footprint in supporting our individual branches. Day-to-day operational challenges are an unavoidable part of the business for branch locations. Whether it’s business continuity events like hurricanes or floods, staff shortages, large ATM conversion projects or customer onboarding needs, certain situations call for a more forward-thinking, all-hands-on-deck approach.
That’s why we’ve created the Special Ops Cash in Transit (CIT) Team—a group of highly experienced Loomis armored service technicians (ASTs) that are dedicated to traveling full time and providing hands-on support for local branches. After launching a national hiring campaign, we interviewed more than 120 candidates, determined the most qualified individuals, and strategically selected the top ASTs from all areas of the country.
Previously a volunteer-driven initiative, we saw the need and the opportunity to create a more established, full-time team of travelers that are dedicated and ready to mobilize for individual branch missions at a moment’s notice. And so, in late 2018, the official Special Ops CIT team was formed. Comprised entirely of seasoned ASTs these teammates responded to job positions searching for the “best of the best” ASTs nationwide. By December 2018, we established a core team of six, and we now have a total of 20 full-time Special Ops teammates from all regions.
Darren Langton, US CIT Vice President for Loomis, is the leader and driving force behind the Special Ops Team initiative. He explains the key goals for this elite team below:
- “The first core goal for this team is to always be prepared for emergency situations—natural disasters, large customer onboarding, and labor shortages negatively affect our organization as a whole. The better prepared we are for these circumstances, the quicker we can continue running normally.”
- “The second long-term goal is to develop the next level of leaders in our organization. These travelers are gaining hands-on experience in different operations and providing valuable training to local branch members so that they can establish better team dynamics and improve customer service. They’re also essentially our eyes and ears on the ground, observing and learning what works efficiently or inefficiently at different branches so that we can streamline and improve best practices as an entire national network.”
The Special Ops CIT Mission Statement:
Committed to being quality leaders, conveying the highest standards, and contributing to the excellence, quality, and overall goals of the branch being serviced.
Learn more about our full Business Continuity Plan (BCP).
Learn more about our Armored Services.
Find out how we can help with your cash management.
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