Hutch's Convenience Store
The integration of Loomis cash recyclers in Hutch’s Convenience Stores realized substantial labor savings with reduced shift change time, from 30 minutes between two employees to just two minutes.
Hutch's Convenience Stores set out to enhance their cash management operations by integrating Loomis cash recyclers into their stores. Shift change procedures, which previously consumed 30 minutes of two employees' time, were streamlined to just two minutes for a single individual.
Beyond the significant time and labor savings, this transformation had a ripple effect on employee job satisfaction in the rural work environment.
“It saves so much time and effort from the older safes. And freeing the manager from making deposits so they can remain in the store during the busy times is just a huge difference,” said Justin Robinson, COO of Hutchinson Oil. With enhanced operational efficiency and happier employees, Hutch's Convenience Stores was set up for success. “In the labor market we’re in today, anything to help somebody be more satisfied with their job is a win,” Robinson said.
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